Treetops Learning Community provides a relevant and engaging careers curriculum which meets the differing needs and requirements of our students. This is developed throughout a student’s time at the school and is always supportive of their abilities, strengths, and skills.  
The focus is upon career and option choice, raising the aspirations and achievement of individual students and equipping them with skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning.  
As a community, we believe in the importance of: 
 Providing a planned programme of activities for all students in Years 1 – 13 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. to help them to plan and manage their future careers.  
 Providing IAG which is impartial, unbiased and is based on their needs.  
Ensuring that the CEIAG programme follows local, regional and national frameworks for good practice and other relevant guidance, as well as guidelines from Ofsted, the Career and Enterprise Company and the Gatsby Benchmarks for good career guidance.  
Our values of Quality, Equality and Opportunity form the foundations for our Careers programme:
Treetops Learning Community caters for students on our three sites - Treetops School, Treetops Free School and Treetops Sixth Form. We believe that skills linked to careers start as young as 5 and we build this into our curriculum through innovative approaches that inspire and motivate our students. Our staff develop meaningful relationships with our students based on trust and mutual respect which form the foundations for creating an environment where students can flourish and express themselves. We provide students with a ‘suitcase’ of skills to help them progress onto further education and into the world of work.
While the world provides many barriers for students with special educational needs and disabilities, we believe in a world where everyone can flourish by removing these barriers and providing hope for a successful future. We understand that everyone in the Treetops Learning Community has had a different upbringing, but we aim to provide every student with the opportunity to excel from their initial starting point. We understand that not every student is the same and follows the same path and work with all stakeholders involved to provide the best possible chance to be successful. We encourage each individual to reach beyond their realities, take risks and above all, believe in themselves. Supporting them to scope out their future pathways in a clear and direct way, means that they will be able to take their place in society and make an active and meaningful contribution, knowing that they are valued for ‘who they are’ not just what they can do.
Having built strong partnerships with local businesses and other key organisations we have been able to incorporate real life experiences within our careers programme giving students a great insight into employment. We have strong links within Thurrock and understand the labour market within the students’ local area supporting the transition into adulthood. We run a number of programmes that support our students to become more integrated with their local community including; links with our Thurrock Career Hub, Chefs adopt a school scheme, direct link with Balfour Beatty, Work experiences (WEX) and local Independent Travel Training programme. As an innovative school we are always exploring new ways to support our students' work towards leading fulfilled lives with increased independence.
Our Careers Plan aligns with the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and the National Careers Strategy which provide a robust and high-quality framework for career guidance helping to deliver a system of high aspirations for all students.

Baker Clause Policy Statement
Treetops Academy uses the Gatsby Benchmarks as a guide to plan our Pathways and Enrichment programme as part of a holistic approach careers programme enabling all our students to make an informed choice about their post 16 provision. It is our commitment to inform our students of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them both academic and non-academic routes, we are happy to consider requests from training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers to speak to students. This is also measured regularly against the careers standards of the Gatsby benchmarks using a Compass Assessment framework and evaluation with students, teachers and SLT as part of a progressive careers programme.
Treetops Academy also proactively seek to build relationships with these partners as we plan our Pathways and Enrichment activity throughout the school year to ensure that providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students and their parents across years 7 – 13, to offer information on vocational and apprenticeships qualifications and pathways involving personal guidance and pastoral support.
Opportunities for providers to speak with students may include assemblies, employer and provider engagement events or opportunities to speak on a one to one basis supporting option choices.
This complies with the legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education act 1997 (the ‘Baker Clause’)
Any provider wishing to request access should contact either Ms Traci Clark Ks3 and Ks4 or Mrs Lucy Meek Ks5 Careers Coordinators.
Telephone: 01375 372723
Email: tclark@treetops.thurrock.sch.uk or lmeek@treetops.thurrock.sch.uk
Apprenticeship Opportunities
MYPATH – Visit the MyPath Careers website by clicking on the ‘JOB OF THE WEEK ‘ link below
The JOB OF THE WEEK resource offers LMI about a new job each week, including all of the previously posted jobs.
INSPIRE YOUTH HUB – Visit the Thurrock Inspire website for more new on careers in the borough
Specsavers Apprenticeships – Give your students a fantastic foundation. Click here for more info.
Amazing Apprenticeships – Check the latest news here.
Essex Careers Guide to Local Employment and Skills 2023 – Click here to view.
Year 7
Students identify personal traits, strengths and skills.
Students are introduced to Gatsby benchmarks
Students are introduced to careers resources and informed how to use them.
Students provide feedback.
Students have optional access to impartial advisers via drop in sessions.
By beginning careers education early students can make better informed decisions at transition stages and are more motivated in school in order to follow a particular pathway.
An employer/ex student is invited to talk to the year group – a Q&A session is held to find out about their role in a particular sector.
Year 8
Students build on personal strengths and begin to link skills to specific careers enabling realistic and informed decisions at transition stages and their employment aspirations
Students introduced to the world of work and how it is constantly changing.
Students desired employment outcomes are articulated in their EHCP and outcomes identified to support their aspiration
Students have optional access to impartial advisers via drop in sessions.
Students are also encouraged to use careers resources available and informed where to find out more about specific courses/ careers.
Students are introduced to ‘employability skills’ through enterprise challenges and activities.
Students think about links to careers when choosing their GCSE options.
Vocational Profiles are developed for students which document their individual’s skills, abilities, interests, aspirations, and needs in relation to employment.
Year 9
Students encouraged to reassess their personal strengths with a focus on transferrable skills.
What is important in a career?
Students are encouraged to investigate / research different jobs and careers locally.
Introduction of taking the principles identified by Preparation for Adulthood, and the developed Vocational Curriculum (Age 14-19) to explain what BTEC subjects are available and how they are taught in KS4 and 5.
Generate individual career action plans to be included as part of the Education Health and Care plan. (possibly year 8 too)
Students encouraged to challenge stereotypes within the world of work and traditional job roles.
What is a CV? What is a cover letter? And why do people applying for jobs need them? Students encouraged to use them when applying for roles and responsibility in school. e.g prefects, house captain
Students have optional access to impartial advisers via drop in sessions. They are encouraged to use careers resources available and informed where to find out more about specific courses/ careers.
Year 10
Students begin to explore Treetops Sixth Form as an option
Which careers appeal to each student and identify and set themselves realistic future goals.
Students agree action plans with Careers Adviser for future and identify what specific action is required to achieve these goals.
Students begin CV and cover letter writing for college/sixth form placements/apprenticeships.
Students are encouraged to use careers resources available and informed where to find out more about specific courses/ careers.
Students use online career and employability resources.
Students have an understanding of what a workplace is; rules, uniform, line managers etc
Year 11
Students are helped with post 16 choices and encouraged to consider all their options including further study in sixth form, colleges, technical education and apprenticeships.
Student complete intended destinations form. Interview techniques are further developed.
Students use careers interview to help understand different careers pathways and entry requirements and set personal targets for development.
Students complete mock interviews.
Students are encouraged to think about the kind of behaviour potential employers look for.
Students have access to careers adviser via drop in sessions.
Students are encouraged to use careers resources available and informed where to find out more about specific courses/ careers.
Some Students are encouraged to gain work experience and take part in work insight days during the school holidays, weekends and evenings.
Key Stage 5 – Careers & Enterprise
Annual EHCP reviews (Preparing for Adulthood)
Career advisor interviews
Destination planning
Visits to Post-19 providers in Thurrock – Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions (TLS), Thurrock Adult Community College (TACC), South Essex College, Palmers, Treetops Post-19
Bus/train journeys
Visits to local leisure facilities, shops, supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, businesses, care homes for the elderly.
Vocational training days – BTEC qualifications/Personal Progression plans
Enterprise projects – Cafes, making & selling items at school fairs, car washing and valeting service
Career & Enterprise days (External provider) – National Citizen Service (NCS) & TCHC
Research jobs online yourfutureblackcountry.com
ASDAN Employability Group Level 2, 3 & Level 1 – Units of work
Maintaining Work Standards
Exploring Job Opportunities
Learning through Work Experience
Communicating with Others at Work
Customer Service
Health & Safety in the Workplace
Rights and Responsibilities in the Workplace
Tackling Problems at Work
Travelling to Work
Working with Others
CVs and Letter of Applications
ASDAN Personal Social Development (PSD) Group – Units of Work
Community Action – identifying job roles and facilities in the local community
Preparation for Work – identifying skills and qualities needed for job roles
Working towards Goals – identifying personal skills, qualities and strengths. Setting goals. Personal information.
Working as Part of a Group – Setting ground rules, relaying basic information, identifying roles, carrying out tasks, asking for and offering help, reviewing work.
ASDAN Personal Progress Group – Units of Work
Developing Skills for the Workplace
Developing Community Participation skills
Travel within the Community
Using Local Health Services
Participating in a Mini-enterprise
Participating in Preparing Food and Drink for an Event
Developing Learning Skills
Essentials for Living group (Pre-Formal) – Units of Work
Functional Academics Skills