All staff are expected to contribute to CEIAG delivery through their roles as tutors, subject teachers and support staff.
Specialist careers education sessions are delivered by form tutors through the personal development and our learning for life programme.
The CEIAG programme is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Career’s Leads in consultation with appropriate members of staff across all three key stages. 
Key Stage 1:
What jobs do people do? How do you have to behave in a job?
Students will develop exploring real world play – shop keepers' customer
Job roles in class (e.g. handing out books, helping others).
Adapting to different environments.
Following instructions.
Playing and taking turns with other children (developing team work skills).
Real world visits (e.g. farm, supermarket, fire station
Key Stage 2:
Children will learn about real world jobs in emergency services and think about what they would like to do when they grow up.
Enterprise activities – understanding how products are made and sold.
Exploring range of careers of interest and the skills needed for work,
Sustainable enterprise – healthy sustainable food products
Meeting role models and learning about their careers (in class visits, Q&A’s).
Key Stage 3: 
Student pathways onto accredited and vocational courses are planned and prepared from KS3 
F.I.R.S.T. events and projects are embedded the KS3 curriculum 
Students in Year 9 have the opportunity to take part in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Learning for Life curriculum in Years 7-9 covers career exploration, self-reflection, careers exploration and networking
Year 7, 8 and 9 take part in Careers and Enterprise days  
Who does what in your community and what do you do or who do you call in an emergency?
“Out in the Community” timetabled sessions for year 7 and 8
Explore how to get around our area and enjoy all it has to offer- but safely.
Employer encounters are met through assemblies and curriculum objectives
In Year 9, there is an increased focus on research and decision-making in order to support students in their Key Stage 4 options and vocational choices 
Small group interventions are planned by the Key Stage 3 Leader and relevant staff, to students at high risk of not remaining in education after Year 11 (NEET)
Key Stage 4:
Continuation of KS3 CEC framework
All students meet with the Independent Careers Adviser or Careers Leader and additional one to-one career guidance interviews will be given to those who are identified as needing extra support. From these interviews, an action plan will be produced which is shared with students and parents.  
Year 10 and 11 take part in Careers & Enterprise days where they will develop their enterprise and employability skills and are given support in researching their future options and given guidance on Personal Finance  
Year 11 students are surveyed early in the year about their Post-16 plans and extra guidance is offered to those who are identified at risk of not being in education or training (NEET) 
Students at most risk are referred to the designated Careers Advisor. These students will receive additional application support and interview preparation 
The opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award
Vocational Studies curriculum 
Key Stage 5:  
Students are encouraged to research their Post-19 options from Year 12 to maximise their successful transition to their next destination.
All students receive a one-to-one careers guidance interview with the Independent Careers Adviser in Year 12 and again in Year 13 and/ year 14. From these interviews an action plan will be produced which is shared with students. parents and tutors.  
Students take part in a bespoke personal & social development or work-related curriculum that includes lessons on career & enterprise, personal finance, employability and independent living skills.
Students experience career & enterprise sessions inviting in representatives from the world of work to talk to the students including NCS (National Citizen Service)
Students have access to a Vocational Studies curriculum and experience work encounters each year which includes discussing and developing a personal progressions plan.
Students have an Annual EHCP review (Preparing for Adulthood) 
Visits to Post-19 providers in Thurrock – Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions (TLS), Thurrock Adult Community College (TACC), South Essex College (SEEC), USP Palmers, Treetops Post-19, SEEVIC, TCHC Future Skills, ACE
Students partake in independent travel training sessions.
Student visits to local leisure facilities, shops, supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, businesses, care homes for the elderly are embedded within the curriculum.
Students will be involved in a variety of enterprise projects like running cafes, making & selling items at school fairs, managing a car washing and valeting service. 
Students have opportunities to research jobs online via the Thurrock Local LMI website.