PE and Sport Premium
Sport Premium
All children and young people should live healthy active lives. The UK Chief Medical Officers recommend that all children and young people should take part in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day. Children with special educational needs and disabilities should take part in 20 minutes of daily activity.
Every year the Government provides additional funding to drive sporting excellence and increase physical education (PE and Sport) in primary schools. The spirit of the funding is to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles, to increase confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing whilst further encouraging the children to engage in a range of PE, sporting activities, events, clubs, tournaments and sporting competitions.
Sport Provision
At Treetops School we are committed to provide our learners with plenty of opportunities to get their recommended amount of weekly exercise, as part of our curriculum offer. We are fortunate to have large playgrounds, a large sports field, outdoor and indoor gym facilities and 3 sports halls. Furthermore, we have an extensive range of intervention spaces (Sensory rooms, soft play and trampolines).
Our primary school sport funding is being used in a variety of ways to ensure a high-quality sports curriculum, including access to specialist sports teachers.
It is our aim to offer our learners opportunities to develop their skills through a wide variety of activities beyond the normal primary curriculum. The learners participate in physical activity timetabled each week.
The school enter teams into a range of inter-school and in-school competitions in sport and promote good sporting behaviour. This includes our in-house competitions. Learners develop their understanding of their bodies both physically and mentally. They are encouraged to develop a growing self-awareness, positive attitude and commitment to self-improvement through setting goals, so that they are ultimately able to influence their own quality of life.
Please click here to view our latest Sports Premium statement.